100_5315.jpgA mother of 3, two boys and a girl. Married young to a good man. No longer young, but he is still a good man. Grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, lived several years in sort of small town Alaska, back to suburban Minneapolis, a couple years in the great city of Madison, then back to Alaska and 4 years residing not-too-far from downtown Anchorage, now living on the very edge of downtown Tulsa! Love that life keeps taking me places I never dreamed of going. Drink a crazy amount of coffee. Fiercely loyal to my friends. Truly rabid in my defense of family. ever learning. Beyond thankful that my God loves me enough to allow me to doubt and question. (photo by Cathy Stanley-Erickson)

12 responses »

  1. I am amazed at all the wonderful things you put on this site. I don’t think I could do such a thing. There really isn’t alot I could really say about Don & myself that could require opening up a blog. I am amzed on the wonderful things you had put here.

  2. Sandie! I’m once again trying to get ahold of you, and can’t find a phone # – so I hope this works! Can you either email me and tell me your phone #, or give me a call (i’m hard to reach though, I know). I’m so glad Dave’s surgery went well, and we are praying for him and you all the time. I think about the day you guys came out here, and I wish I could spend time with you every day! We Love you! Marjie

  3. Hi Sandie! We love hearing what’s up in Alaska! And we are glad to hear Dave is doing okay. Abby would also like to know if Sunny received her photo book in the mail 🙂

    Little Broder John is doing well, super chubby as always. Now reaching, grabbing, pulling, pounding and otherwise making it difficult to have 1001 small toys around the house. He is way more active than Abby and Tate were at this age… I may actually have to baby-proof a few things in my house this time. I’m sure he is just trying to follow in big Broder’s footsteps!

    Talk to you soon!
    Love, Lisa

  4. Hey up North!
    Got caught up on your happenings and am thankful with you for all God does! He is so good. So good. We just bought a farm near us and will be moving there end of the month. Bob will still work at the organic beef farm and we will enlarge our 1 cow milk herd to 3, add some heirloom turkeys in the spring, and increase the layers for more eggs. We are all excited. We will sure miss you this Sunday at Albertville.
    Merry Christmas to all of you,

  5. Fun to see your blog! I have 2 boys and a girl, too. It sure is interesting seeing some familiar faces after 20 years! Around town here, too. I’ve run into more people in the last year than the 19 before that. :o)

  6. Hey up North!Got caught up on your happenings and am thankful with you for all God does! He is so good. So good. We just bought a farm near us and will be moving there end of the month. Bob will still work at the organic beef farm and we will enlarge our 1 cow milk herd to 3, add some heirloom turkeys in the spring, and increase the layers for more eggs. We are all excited. We will sure miss you this Sunday at Albertville.Merry Christmas to all of you,Marie

  7. Hey up North!Got caught up on your happenings and am thankful with you for all God does! He is so good. So good. We just bought a farm near us and will be moving there end of the month. Bob will still work at the organic beef farm and we will enlarge our 1 cow milk herd to 3, add some heirloom turkeys in the spring, and increase the layers for more eggs. We are all excited. We will sure miss you this Sunday at Albertville.Merry Christmas to all of you,Marie+1

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