Monthly Archives: August 2012

Tomorrow, school begins…


Tonight we have 3 really stressed, sad and scared kids.

Through this whole process, the kids have been so good. Helping out with the move in every way. Packing, unpacking, road-tripping.

We have great kids. And I fear we have taken this for granted, assuming that they can handle anything we throw at them.

But today, this past weekend, it has become apparent that this move is a stretch, even for our amazing, flexible, wonderful children.

my heart hurts for them. I don’t know how to make this hurt less. There is no turning back. We live in Oklahoma now.

I know, in time, they will make friends, we all will. And I know they will do well in school, it’s who they are. And I know right now it is very very hard.

So, I hug them, pat their backs, make them cookies and assure them it will be ok.

And after I kiss them goodnight, and they go to bed, I weep, and pray.

3 weeks in…


It’s been 3 weeks since we landed at the Tulsa International Airport.

In that time we have had visitors, unpacked a container load of household goods, purchased new furniture, and a new car, took a road trip to San Antonio, found our church home (which wasn’t too hard as there is only 1 covenant church here, boy are we glad we like it!), dave has traveled out of state 2x, as a family watched 2 full seasons of BigBang Theory, broken a sweat every day just breathing, seen 2 lightning filled thunderstorms, got our library cards, figured out where to place the fans in order to maximize the AC airflow, found the perfect Reuben (I am so excited about this), found that if we hit the running trails before 6 am neither Dave nor I feel like we are going to die by the time we get home, discovered a coffee shop within walking distance, discovered there is a wine bar right next to the coffee shop, fallen in love with this big creaky old house, watched with horror as wildfires destroyed so many homes just down the highway, prayed for those affected even as the ash from from their homes fell onto our lawn, and through all this have had a wonderful time as a family in a way we just don’t often have time to when we are so pulled in different directions by work and friends etc.

In a couple weeks, real life begins again. The kids start at their new schools, and I have to get into my on Bon Bon eating routine. With a giant house to clean, rooms to paint, curtains to sew, and meals to make, it is going to be tough to fit in all the pedicures and eyebrow waxings it takes to remain this lovely, i am really going to have to manage my time well!