Category Archives: humor

So we have this little book…


and it’s title is something like “Easy Day Hikes Around Anchorage”

The booklet (as it really is more a of a booklet than a full fledged book) is very cute and has lovely little descriptions of hikes easily done in an afternoon or evening.  If you are 40 lbs overweight and you doggy hiking companion has a bit of arthritis, this is the book for you.  As I fit well into those parameters, it is also the book for me.

On Friday afternoon we decided to take on the hike at Baldy Mountain.  2 miles up and back, with an elevation rise of 1200 ft, sounded like just the thing.

We parked the car and trotted off to the trailhead.  The path was nice and wide and we saw loads of relaxed people heading back to their cars.  They weren’t even sweating!  This was certainly the hike for me!  We walked a little ways, and came upon a little pond with a spring fed pump.   Continuing on up the path, we explored a couple of old rotting cabins, and an abandoned water tank.  Dave gave the kids lessons in local flora and then we came to a T in the path.

A decision had to be made, to the right or to the left, oh which way should we go???

Well, with all my mountaineering knowledge and skills, I decided that because the peak of Baldy was in front of us, and a little to the right, we should go right, as obviously going left would take us away from the mountain and that would be silly.

So we followed the trail to the right, and about 30 yards later, the trail began to fade and became more of a foot path, when we could even find that.  Up and up and up we went, searching for the trail, occasionally finding places that looked like MAYBE someone stepped there.  About 1/2 way up the mountain, as the sweat was running down my face and back, and as my nose began to run due to exertion, I began to think horrible thoughts about the author of our little booklet.

Easy!?!?  Whatever.  At times we were climbing hand over hand! More than once I looked down and thought, “well, I better not fall, because that is rather steep and nothing to stop me from rolling all the way down”   Most of the ground had moss and grass cover, but there were spots, especially as we got closer to the summit, where it was just rock, and often loose gravelly rock that that threatened to give way.  Prompting more images in my head of a tumble ALL the way down to the trailhead.

We got to the top, eventually, we crested the last little ridge, we looked down, and saw a lovely wide path that meandered across the tundra and gently made it’s way to the point we were standing at,  coming up from the left.

UPS fun….


This afternoon the UPS guy came by with a little box of joy for the Lawrence household.  Well, ok, it was a box of joy for me and Dave, as it was a shipment of wine.  The UPS guy is pretty friendly, and we get a lot of UPS shipments (not all wine, don’t panic, Mom), and he often chats for a moment.  I find out neat stuff about the neighbors, several others get wine shipments too, apparently our neighborhood has about the highest per capita wine deliveries.  I think that is because we are all so sophisticated and urbane.  That must be it.  Lots of other book lovers in the are as well, judging by the number of boxes. 

So, today, I meet Mr UPS at the door, and he hands me my wine box(not to be confused with box wine, although some of that is not too bad).  We say nice things about the weather and the upcoming weekend. 

Then he says:   “so, do you work?” (is it unusual to find someone at home EVERYTIME a package is delivered?). 

And I respond:   “no, not really” (too hard to explain the working 12 hours a week thing, it doesn’t really count as work). 

And he says:  “oh, because you’re rich?”

And I am thinking:  well that would explain the tiny house, 12 year old minivan and 17 year old pickup

But instead I say:  “No, because I am lazy.”

Dropped jaw, stunned silence.

And finally:  “Well, ummm, you’re honest.”



it is very fun, but it has taken me away from my blogging.  Dave yelled at me about it today, so here I am, because I am good wife. 

Making the round on facebook right now is a request to write 25 things about yourself.  So, I am re-posting it here, so you non-facebookers can see this.  It has been pretty fun to read peoples lists, and I would just love it if you would write your own list for me in the comment section!  (Hint hint)

Yep, the 25 things thing. Here is my version.
I have seen this titled “25 random thing about me”. “25 thing you don’t know about me” “25 things you don’t want to know”.

Mine is 25 things about me. Many of you may know some of these, I am not sure anyone knows all of them.

It has been so much fun reading the lists others have written, I got kind of jealous and wanted to write my own.
the deal is that you are supposed to tag 25 people and then those 25 people are supposed to write their lists and if you are tagged it is because I want to know more about you. Well, i want to know more about you, each and everyone of you.

1. I married for love and and a sense of humor, not for money.

2. consequently my dream of being a philanthropist with world wide impact may never come true.

3. I once audtioned for “Star Search” , I did not rise to national fame, perhaps my choice to cover the Sex Pistols was misguided.

4. I took the SAT, in 7th grade, my scores were fine and I never took it again. I have not lived up to my potential.

5. I After my 2nd year of college I moved to Alaska in search of a grand adventure. I found that adventure, I call him Dave.

6. I had my first piece of poetry published in 6th grade.

7. I have a forklift license.

8. Three kids does not seem like enough, although in truth I would say that even if I had ten.

9. Sometimes I wish that my mother was crazy, because everyone I know that has a crazy mother is also a fabulous writer, and I would love to be a truly great writer.

10. I am raising 3 really wonderful writers.

11. I like to make up silly songs, primarily about history.

12. I cannot sing “Children of the Heavenly Father”, “It is well with my Soul”, “I was there to hear your Borning Cry” or “Let all things now Living” without crying.

13. I want all those songs sung at my funeral, by a volunteer choir.

14. Although I love to make bread, I really don’t enjoy eating sandwiches. Too much bread.

15. When my kids are naughty, it is everything I can do not to cheer them on.

16. I love the idea of living communally and I hope that becomes a reality for us someday.

17. I throw myself into each and evey community I am a part of with reckless abandon. Every place I have ever lived is eactly where I wanted to be. Each time I have to move, a part of my heart is ripped from me, and that little piece stays behind. This is wonderful, because I have so many places I call home.

18. I got my first tattoo at 19 because I was sure that eventually I would marry a pastor and was convinced when that happened I would no longer have any fun. I married a chemist who later went to seminary, and have since found that many pastors are among the most fun. And I have added to my tattoo collection.

19. I felt petite once.

20. I can, if I have to, change the brakes on my vehicles. I prefer not to.

21. I have pictures of my dog on my phone, but not my kids.

22. When I see the suffering around me, locally and throughout the world, I am ashamed that I have ever felt sorry for my self in any way. My life is so good.

23. I went on a blind date that had all of the following: blood, flame, dirty diapers, doggie diarrhea, orange shag carpeting, a screaming infant, a malfunctioning toilet, stray hair on the entree and dental floss.

24. I don’t watch tv, I have never seen American Idol, I have never seen Desperate Housewives, I have never seen Lost. This is not because I feel I must shield myself fromt he evils of the world. I don’t watch TV because I am really lazy, and if I started watching TV I would never get anything done ever again.

25. Everyday I am thankful.



a few blocks from our house is guy who really seems to love life.  He is a bit eccentric, collecting the odd car and refrig to decorate the lawn.  He would not do well in a sub-division with a lot of covenants.  In Airport Heights (our little piece of Anchorage), however, he thrives. 

For the last few years, from what we understand, he has been making a giant snowman in his front yard.  This creation has been dubbed “Snowzilla” and had made national and international news.  People drive by all day and night to see this thing, and take pictures.  Well, apparently this got a little old for some of the neighbors and a complaint was filed with the city.  The city cited the guy, told him to take Snowzilla down or face some fines.  So, he destroyed the snowman and that was that. 

Or not. 

Within a couple of days, Snowzilla was re-born, bigger than ever.  When questioned, the guy just responded that he had now idea how Snowzilla was re-built, but the “the elves must have worked all night long”.

I have long wished that I could live just this side of the law, it seems like so much fun.  But alas, I was raised Lutheran, in Minnesota, so all hope for that is lost, I remain firmly rooted in guilt and worry.  

There is just enough rebel in me, however, to cheer for this guy and his Snowzilla.  Nearly each night, the dog and I walk by and I wave my hand in salute to the guy watching from the window of the house over which Snowzilla stands guard.


Ice cubes and cigarettes…


here are a couple of funny things to brighten your day.

I was talking to a friend today and she said:

 “my grandpa turned 88 and for his birthday he got to smoke a cigarette and have a steam bath”. 

I thought this was hilarious, and a good reminder that it is not the money spent on a gift that counts, but how much the recipient really wants it.

Last night the boys pulled an all-nighter.  The goal was to stay up all night long playing video games, xbox etc.  It is Christmas break, so I figured why not.  I bestowed my blessing in the form of a caffeinated soda for each boy.  Kjell has accomplished the all nighter once before and this time, Broder was determined, really determined. When I got up this morning at 5am, both boys were still awake.  I expressed my surprise that Broder was still going strong and he said:

“I have been putting ice cubes down my back to stay awake”.   

Oh, yeah, that’s Broder.

Back in September…


I was a model for a local fashion show.  Apparently the pool of “plus size” models is quite small here in Alaska.  There is no other explanation for my being asked. 

Anyway.  It was fun.  Spent the day in some beautiful clothes, had my makeup done by a professional makeup artist, and my hair done about 15 times over the course of the evening. 

A local not-quite-pro hockey team served as our escorts for the evening.  So those adoring, good looking young men you see in the photos, yeah, they had to be there and smile.  But they were very good sports about the whole thing, gentlemen through and through (well, except for the 2 that got thrown out for being drunk and obscene).

A couple of my friends went as they both needed a night of belly laughs, and Julia took a bunch of photos. 

So, here are a couple.  Enjoy.  Giggle.  Make obnoxious comments.  Or just be really insanely jealous because I looked SO good.  model13


What happens when you let the kids plan the party…



Scrambled eggs

Chocolate potato cake



Chicken noodle soup

Cream soda

Monkey bread


We listened to a lot of Weird Al (think Amish Paradise, White and Nerdy, Weasel Stomping Day, Pretty Fly for a Rabbi). 

All the kids are getting new toothbrushes as party favors.

 Bet you wish you were here!